Rear Projection Window
Large Rear Projection Wall for Art gallery demo
Large Rear Projection Wall for Art gallery demo
Art Display exhibition
FlexVue projection screen in an empty shop on the Worcester Highstreet for a 2 week art gallery
Art in mind wanted to display the artwork from mentally handicapped artists on a 2 week campaign with an PR event one evening. We worked with the organisers and installed a 2m Flexivue PVC projection screen in an empty shop windows in the centre of Worcester highstreet. As this was a charity event panasonic lent a 6000 Ansi projector and the event was a great success..
FlexiVue PVC Projection Film
Panasonic 6000 Ansi projector
- Category : Bespoke / Rear Projection / VideoWall
- Date : January 7, 2012
- Client : Art in Mind
- Address : Worcester City Centre